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Measuring your stairs

To make sure you purchase the correct size handrails for your stairs we have put together the following guide. Along with a calculator that will give you the ideal size of handrail for the amount of sections you want, also the spacing between the handrails.

Measure from the top step to the bottom

Taking a tape measure you can hold it on the top step and pull it all the way down to the bottom step. Making sure you are holding it on the tip of the step.

We recommend going around 100mm longer than your stairs length to make sure you cover the top step.

Measure stairs.jpg

How many sections do we need?

Once you have the total length you can divide it by the amount of sections you want to give you the ideal size.

Divide the total length by that handrail size and it will tell you how many you need. 

The gap between the handrails allows you to adjust to the standard length rails.

stair layout straight v16.png
stair layout 90deg v12.png

Dog leg stairs

For an angled stairs each set of steps needs measuring separately. 

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